Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Things to do in the school holidays...

Mum says: Thanks for all the great comments. We are putting them on a map so we can see where you all come from! Here's a list we made for Reuben's homework this morning. We are about to have winter holidays for two weeks and we had to make a list of things to do....

  1. Bake a cake
  2. Earn $$ cleaning the car
  3. Play playstation
  4. Walk the dog
  5. Make a smoothie
  6. Make play dough
  7. Watch movie at home
  8. Walk on the beach
  9. Draw pictures on the whiteboard in the kitchen!
  10. Play with friends
  11. Go for a bike ride
  12. Visit mueseum
  13. Go to library
  14. Go on the Orbiter (bus) around the city
  15. Have a sleepover


  1. They all sound like fun!! So funny to hear you are in winter, when we are so totally in summer! : ) Love it!

  2. It sounds like you will be keeping your mom busy during the holiday! Have a great time!

  3. What about...
    16. Send a postcard to Aunty Jo in Brisbane and Uncle Jeremy in Melbourne, they might even send one back!
    17. Make a kite and then fly it in the park (if there's a day that's not too cold)
    18. Paint a picture

  4. Hi, Reuben, your list sounds like fun! I have two sons, one who is 6 and another who is 9. My 9-year-old also has a blog - he likes to pretend he is a character he made up called Boring Office Guy. You are welcome to visit his blog and see some of his pictures and videos if you would like:

    Enjoy your holidays!

  5. Hi Reuben, it looks like you have lots of fun things lined up to do. Isn't it great to be able to play outside in the summer!
